I am currently working at Boussard Lab, BMIR, Stanford University as a postdoctoral scholar.

My research is in clinical informatics. The work focus on providing evidence-base for a clinical problem and developing implementable solutions/systems for the same. It involves analyzing structured and non-structured clinical data using statistical and machine learning methods (especially natural language processing) followed by development of softwares/tools. The research aims to assist physicians better understand and correlate data pertaining to treatment regimes, drugs and its effect on patient’s treatment journey in terms of toxicity, treatment cost, health policy or outcome of interests.

I have worked in the field of functional genomics - single nucleotide polymorphisms and gene insertion/deletion (I consider myself as a beginner). Additionally, I have worked in the field of medical image analysis.

Research Interests




email: (1) tusharm@stanford.edu; (2) tushar.mungle@gmail.com