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Convert a maintenance therapy excel sheet created by user into a standard format for analysis


  daily_mp_dose = 60,
  weekly_mtx_dose = 20



Path to folder containing input excel files (in quotes)


Path to folder in which to save final output csv files (in quotes)


Path to excel file with patient IDs and corresponding BSA (body surface area) values. Column names - "ID", "BSA".


numeric value of DAILY 6-Mercaptopurine dose per \(1m^{2}\) (\(mg/m^{2}\)) as per the MT dosing protocol. Default = \(60mg/m^{2}\) (as per ICiCLe-ALL-14 protocol)


numeric value of WEEKLY absolute Methotrexate dose per \(1m^{2}\) (\(mg/m^{2}\)) as per the MT dosing protocol. Default = \(20mg/m^{2}\) (as per ICiCLe-ALL-14 protocol)


Folder with converted csv files


If MT excel files are missing in the input folder for any patient IDs provided in the pat_data_file ID column, the function will show a message of missing IDs but will continue to convert the available files.


# As per ICiCLe-ALL-14 protocol (Reference PMID - 35101099):
path_to_excel = paste0(system.file("extdata/external_data/", package = "allMT"), "/")
save_path = paste0(tempdir(),"/")
path_to_bsa = system.file("extdata/external_data/", "BSA.xlsx", package = "allMT")
convert_external_format(inputpath_to_excelfolder = path_to_excel,
                   exportpath_to_csvfolder = save_path,
                   pat_data_file_path = path_to_bsa,
                   daily_mp_dose = 60,
                   weekly_mtx_dose = 20)
#> NOTE: Using following values for 6-MP and MTX doses:
#>  daily_mp_dose = 60 weekly_mtx_dose = 20
#> Reading UPN_1.csv
#> Writing UPN_1.csv
#> Format switch complete
#> Reading UPN_2.csv
#> Writing UPN_2.csv
#> Format switch complete
#> Quitting
#> Bye Bye: Did you know that Uranus spins sideways :)?
# \donttest{
# As per ICiCLe-ALL-14 protocol (Reference PMID - 35101099):
convert_external_format(inputpath_to_excelfolder = "../csv_trial/",
                   exportpath_to_csvfolder = save_path,
                   pat_data_file_path = "BSAFile.xlsx")
#> NOTE: Using following values for 6-MP and MTX doses:
#>  daily_mp_dose = 60 weekly_mtx_dose = 20
#> Error
#> <simpleError: `path` does not exist: ‘BSAFile.xlsx’>
#> Quitting
#> Bye Bye: Did you know that Uranus spins sideways :)?

# As per BFM protocol (Reference PMID - 15902295):
convert_external_format(inputpath_to_excelfolder = "../csv_trial/",
                   exportpath_to_csvfolder = save_path,
                   pat_data_file_path = "BSAFile.xlsx",
                   daily_mp_dose = 50,
                   weekly_mtx_dose = 20)
#> NOTE: Using following values for 6-MP and MTX doses:
#>  daily_mp_dose = 50 weekly_mtx_dose = 20
#> Error
#> <simpleError: `path` does not exist: ‘BSAFile.xlsx’>
#> Quitting
#> Bye Bye: Did you know that Uranus spins sideways :)?

# As per St Jude protocol (Reference PMID - 15902295):
convert_external_format(inputpath_to_excelfolder = "../csv_trial/",
                   exportpath_to_csvfolder = save_path,
                   pat_data_file_path = "BSAFile.xlsx",
                   daily_mp_dose = 75,
                   weekly_mtx_dose = 40)
#> NOTE: Using following values for 6-MP and MTX doses:
#>  daily_mp_dose = 75 weekly_mtx_dose = 40
#> Error
#> <simpleError: `path` does not exist: ‘BSAFile.xlsx’>
#> Quitting
#> Bye Bye: Did you know that Uranus spins sideways :)?
# }