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Creates a line graph (trends) for absolute neutrophil count (ANC), 6-Mercaptopurine (6MP) and Methotrexate (MTX) doses across all visits for the given patient


plot_progression(input_file_path, anc_range, unit)



Path to input csv file for the patient (in quotes)


ANC target range as per the protocol: (c(lower threshold, upper threshold)). NOTE: Ensure that units are the same as unit of ANC in the input data.


Choose either "million" or "billion".

  • "million" = million cells/L (x\(10^{6}\) cells/L or cells/\(\mu\)l)

  • "billion" = billion cells/L (x\(10^{9}\) cells/L or x\(10^{3}\) cells/\(\mu\)l)


plot image


  • If there is only one threshold for anc_range parameter, please specify the respective value and keep the other threshold as NA. eg : c(2000, NA)

  • Horizontal dotted lines on the graph indicate anc_range thresholds and starting doses for 6MP and MTX as a reference (colour coded to corresponding parameter)


pat_data = system.file("extdata/processed_data/", "UPN_915.csv", package = "allMT")
plot_progression(input_file_path = pat_data, anc_range = c(0.75,1.5), unit = "billion")
#> NOTE: Analyzing provided input file
#> Maintenance therapy progression graph for the patient has been created
#> Quitting
#> Bye Bye: Did you know that Jupiter is biggest planet in our solar system :)?
#> Warning: log-10 transformation introduced infinite values.
#> Warning: log-10 transformation introduced infinite values.

# \donttest{
# As per BFM protocol (Reference PMID - 15902295):
plot_progression(input_file_path = "../UPN1.csv", anc_range = c(2, NA), unit = "billion")
#> Error
#> <simpleError in doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler): Please provide a valid file path for the 'input_file_path' argument>
#> Quitting
#> Bye Bye: Did you know that Jupiter is biggest planet in our solar system :)?

# As per St Jude protocol (Reference PMID - 15902295):
plot_progression(input_file_path = "../../UPN1.csv", anc_range = c(0.3, 1), unit = "billion")
#> Error
#> <simpleError in doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler): Please provide a valid file path for the 'input_file_path' argument>
#> Quitting
#> Bye Bye: Did you know that Jupiter is biggest planet in our solar system :)?
# }